The LSAT was the first test I taught, back in 2001 when I first joined The Princeton Review.1 Since then I’ve helped hundreds of people get the LSAT score they needed, and in some ways it will always be my favorite test to teach. Each of the three section types on the LSAT — the infamous logic games, the short arguments, and reading comprehension — demands its own approach, and that approach varies from person to person; rather than just regurgitate a strategy that someone at headquarters wrote down a dozen years ago I specialize in working with each student to craft a personalized, optimized approach.

Many students first come to me looking for help on the logic games, and for many people that’s the easiest area in which to improve quickly, but by test day a majority find they’ve been able to pick up more points in the argument sections (of which there are two per test, which helps). But whether it’s one particular section or all three, until you’re consistently scoring perfectly (!) there are ways to improve.

Last year the LSAT finally made the switch to digital test: after many years as the last holdout for paper (among the major admission exams), the LSAT is now taken on tablets. (2020 Update: COVID-19 has pushed the LSAT online and students now take it at home, but the test is still quite similar to what was given on tablets 2019.) This doesn’t affect strategy very much relative to the paper test we used to see, but there are some differences. Make sure your tutor or teacher understands the digital format. (I took a digital LSAT in September 2019.)

I’ve written several blog posts about the LSAT; I suggest starting with the FAQs.



  1. Please understand that I’m no longer with either the Princeton Review or Kaplan, nor do they endorse or support me in any way. Further, I won’t teach you any of their proprietary methods, because I’d rather they not sue me and, more importantly, because I’ve devised my own approaches that I know work better — one of the big reasons I’m now on my own.

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